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KEYWORDS: Medical Professionals

Results: 181 - 200 of 421 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1850 Book    Document
1994 Book    Document
1910 Book    Document
1873 Book    Document
1873 Book    Document
1947 Book    Document
1874 Book    Document
1875 Book    Document
1887 Book    Document
1956 Comic Book  Comic book panels.  Three sets of couples converse. Visual Still
1965 Comic Book  A woman at a hospital discovers that her husband can never work again. Visual Still
circa 1955 Comic Book  Panels of the comic book, The Will to Win. A woman shows Good Willy around Goodwill Industries. Visual Still
December 14, 1794 Correspondence    Document
January 29, 1794 Correspondence    Document
October 12, 1809 Correspondence    Document
August 29, 1794 Correspondence    Document
September 19, 1829 Correspondence    Document
circa 1885 Ephemera  Trade card describing the merits of Dr. Isaas Thompson's Celebrated Eye Water. Visual Still
circa 1885 Ephemera  Elderly woman applying liquid to elderly man's eye. Visual Still
January 10, 1969 Government Document    Document
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