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Date Format Image Collection
1903 Book    Document
circa 1900 Book  A page from Sarah Fuller's vocabulary notebook with different symbols, resembling the letter f, a horseshoe, and a shoe. Visual Still
1845 Book    Document
1845 Book    Document
1845 Book    Document
1905 Book    Document
circa 1900 Book  Typed vocabulary words on a page from Sarah Fuller's vocabulary notebook. Visual Still
unknown Charity card  Card with American flag, text, and drawing of face and hand. Visual Still
circa 1900 Chart  Alexander Melville Bell Visible Speech as depicted by pictorial drawings representing different vocalizations. Visual Still
circa 1900 Chart  A pictorial description of Alexander Melville Bell Visible Speech which include a diagram with sounds related to the physiological parts used to make them. Visual Still
circa 1900 Chart  A pictorial description of Alexander Melville Bell Visible Speech through sketches of related physiological parts. Visual Still
circa 1900 Chart  Terms used for deaf education which read- Akouphone: to enable the deaf to hear, Akou-Massage: for the treatment of catarrhal deafness, and the Akoulalion: for the instruction of deaf mutes. Visual Still
circa 1900 Chart  A Melville Bell visible speech chart. Visual Still
circa 1910 Chart  A page from Sarah Fuller's drill chart titled Fuller's Phonetic Drill Chart, No. 3. Visual Still
1946 Charts & Tables  Bar graphs showing money in wages and percentages of people with various disabilities who earned those wages. Visual Still
1942 Charts & Tables    Document
1942 Charts & Tables  Chart showing percentages of Goodwill workers by disability. Visual Still
1884 Conference Paper    Document
1891 Conference Paper    Document
February 9, 1815 Correspondence    Document
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