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Results: 171 - 190 of 342 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
November 6, 1881 Postcard    Document
November 12, 1881 Postcard    Document
November 23, 1881 Postcard    Document
December 19, 1881 Postcard    Document
February 1, 1882 Postcard    Document
April 30, 1882 Postcard    Document
May 21, 1882 Postcard    Document
July 31, 1882 Postcard    Document
August 13, 1882 Postcard    Document
December 1, 1882 Postcard    Document
1883 Article    Document
January 11, 1883 Annual Report    Document
March 31, 1883 Article    Document
April 7, 1883 Article    Document
April 24, 1883 Article    Document
April 28, 1883 Article    Document
April 28, 1883 Article    Document
January 15, 1884 Annual Report    Document
circa 1885 Ephemera  Trade card describing the merits of Dr. Isaas Thompson's Celebrated Eye Water. Visual Still
circa 1885 Ephemera  Elderly woman applying liquid to elderly man's eye. Visual Still
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