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Date Format Image Collection
February 1, 1854 Annual Report    Document
March 2, 1854 Government Document    Document
April 1854 Article    Document
May 3, 1854 Government Document    Document
May 4, 1854 Government Document    Document
June 19, 1854 Government Document    Document
October 1854 Article    Document
1855 Engraving  Portrait of Lemuel Shattuck, with signature. Visual Still
January 23, 1855 Annual Report    Document
February 11, 1856 Annual Report    Document
1858 Book    Document
1858 Engraving  Boy in straw hat stand in front of dilapidated house. Visual Still
1858 Engraving  Older women sits on stool next to fence, broken window, and broom, her clothing somewhat tattered. Visual Still
1858 Engraving  Three gentlemen, two of them seated, talking in a room. Visual Still
1858 Engraving  A man points at an unseen figure, a man and a woman next to him. Visual Still
1858 Engraving  A man in a top hat scratches his head, elderly women in tatters behind him. Visual Still
1858 Engraving  A man on a stage pulls up his sleeve, five gentlemen sitting behind him. Visual Still
circa 1860 Lithograph  Lithograph that depicts a woman with 2 children pointing towards the State Alms House which sits on a hill. Visual Still
May 18, 1861 Pamphlet    Document
1862 Pamphlet    Document
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