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KEYWORDS: Social Welfare & Communities

Results: 151 - 160 of 1067 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1906 Postcard  State Institute for the Blind, Janesville, Wisconsin.  A large building, driveway in front. Visual Still
April 1933 Article    Document
unknown Stamps  A young boy using braces holds a ball over his head. Visual Still
unknown Stamps  Drawing of the face of a smiling boy.  The tip of a crutch can be seen under his left arm. Visual Still
unknown Stamps  Stamp showing an infant using braces and a walker. Visual Still
unknown Stamps  Stamp showing a young girl using crutches. Visual Still
unknown Stamps  Stamp showing a smiling boy, standing in a beam of light, using crutches. Visual Still
unknown Stamps  Stamp showing a young boy, using a leg brace, carrying firewood. Visual Still
unknown Stamps  Stamp showing a young boy, using crutches, watering flowers with a watering can. Visual Still
1963 Article    Document
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