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Date Format Image Collection
circa 1902 Photograph  Helen Keller seated wearing a formal white gown with pink ribbon around the waist and holding flowers. Visual Still
1902 Photograph  Keller wearing a formal gown, standing to the left of a window, away from camera, with right arm around the base of a statue with potted ferns to the left and right. Visual Still
1902 Photograph  Keller seated in chair in front of bookshelf reading a raised-print book. Visual Still
1902 Photograph  Helen Keller, seated to left of table facing right, with hand and face on Boston terrier Phiz, which is sitting on table. Visual Still
April 1902 Article    Document
May 1902 Article    Document
June 1902 Article    Document
July 1902 Article    Document
August 1902 Article    Document
September 1902 Article    Document
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