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KEYWORDS: Sensory Disability

Results: 621 - 650 of 734 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
circa 1890 Photograph  Sarah Fuller sits facing child. Visual Still
circa 1915 Photograph  Elderly Sarah Fuller in a chair, writing with a pen. Visual Still
1909 Photograph  Secretary taking dictation. Visual Still
circa 1875 Photograph  Septimus Fraser, close up portrait, eyes closed, dark suit. Visual Still
August 20, 1904 Photograph  Large group photograph of the Seventh Convention National Association of the Deaf at St. Louis, held during the Louisiana Purchase exposition. Visual Still
circa 1920 Photograph  A group of younger students with their teacher pose outdoors.  Four of the girls finger spell Alabama Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  A woman signs next a flag draped over a bench. Visual Still
1890 Photograph  Four young deaf girls sit in a classroom practicing speech lessons with their teacher Visual Still
circa 1914 Photograph  Map room classroom inside Perkins, two long tables, framed maps, globes. Visual Still
1912 Photograph  Man stands before a switchboard. Visual Still
December 1915 Photograph  Small child dries hands and face with a roller towel also used by a man. Visual Still
1932 Photograph  Photograph of two blind men, using white canes, crossing the street in front of a truck and a car. Visual Still
circa 1909 Photograph  Girl's sewing class from upper grammar at the the Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind in South Boston. The sewing room has eight or more sewing machine tables in two rows with railings sectioning off the work stations. Students sit on benches along the walls with sewing in their laps. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Exterior of Volta Bureau in background focus with trees in foreground. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  A laboratory room at the Volta Bureau with pictures, a large table, and chairs surrounding the table. Visual Still
August 5, 1921 Photograph  Interior of the coach-house of the Alexander Melville Bell's home across the street from the Volta Bureau. Coal stove near a table. Visual Still
circa 1921 Photograph  Laboratory room at the Volta Bureau which includes a day bed, desk, and chair. Visual Still
1960 Photograph  Three blind people walk down a city street, two men flanking a woman. Each carries a white cane in their right hand. Visual Still
January 1, 1943 Photograph  Woman and blind man work on aircraft as his seeing eye dog lies at his feet Visual Still
April 1909 Photograph  Three male and one female student holding items in model store. Visual Still
1909 Photograph  Woman operating switchboard Visual Still
1909 Photograph  Woman sitting at a typewriter taking dictation. Visual Still
1908 Photograph  Woman seated at loom weaving Visual Still
circa 1920 Photograph  Three women, probably either teachers or alumni, standing arm in arm. Visual Still
1914 Photograph  Eight workers at the Fall River broom workshop Visual Still
1919 Photograph  Seven men working in the Pittsfield Broom Making workshop. Visual Still
1910 Photograph  Two men working in wire drawing factory. Visual Still
1904 Photograph  Exhibit at the St. Louis 1904 World's Fair. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Students and teachers lining two sides of a hallway, looking away from camera, with a female wearing a white dress crouched at the far end of the hallway holding a round object at the center of attention. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Empty parlor at the Wright Oral School with two couches in the center of the room and a window in the right background. Visual Still
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