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KEYWORDS: Sensory Disability

Results: 671 - 680 of 734 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
circa 1905 Postcard  Color illustration shows seated women making flower arrangements at a long table. Visual Still
1917 Postcard  Blind Institute, Saginaw, Michigan. A two-story brick building with an American flag on top. Visual Still
1909 Postcard  Bright color illustration of an elderly blind man leading a young blind boy past a Danger sign Visual Still
circa 1910 Postcard  Men on benches making brooms by hand. Visual Still
circa 1915 Postcard  Illinois School For The Deaf, Jacksonville, Illinois. A three-story brick building. Visual Still
1909 Postcard  Industrial Home for the Blind, Chicago, Illinois.  A large factory-like building. Visual Still
1908 Postcard  Visual Still
1909 Postcard  Iowa School For The Deaf And Dumb. A large building with grass and trees. A large building with dome, pillars, and trees. Visual Still
1908 Postcard  Kentucky Institute for the Blind.  A large building with pillars. Visual Still
1909 Postcard  Kentucky School For the Blind, Main Building. A large white building. Visual Still
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