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Date Format Image Collection
June 1932 Photograph  Two children sit in a swing with a nurse standing behind them. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  Two photographs of cottages with ramps. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  A man works in a shop making leg braces. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  Two photographs -- one of a white horse pulling a wagon, the other of two young men on horseback. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  A man is about to hit a golf ball with a driver while another golfer watches. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  Franklin Roosevelt smiles, surrounded by seated people. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  Two photographs -- one of a large building, the other of a man sitting on a couch reading a book. Visual Still
June 1932 Illustration  A cartoon of a man riding a crutch that looks like a horse. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  A young woman in a wheelchair looks at a paper with a list on it. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  A woman in wheelchair at a store counter next to a magazine rack. Visual Still
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