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Date Format Image Collection
October 25, 1941 Newsletter    Document
September 1946 Newsletter    Document
October 26, 1942 Newsletter    Document
July 25, 1941 Newsletter    Document
February 25, 1940 Newsletter    Document
February 25, 1940 Newsletter    Document
December 1957 Newsletter  A woman holds a baby, surrounded by a halo. Visual Still
August 1956 Newsletter  A drawing of a donkey pulling a cart of flowers. Visual Still
October 1956 Newsletter  A drawing of a puppy and a kitten peering around a birthday card. Visual Still
September 1955 Newsletter  A monkey with a hat sits in a tree. Visual Still
September 1956 Newsletter  A squirrel and a bird next to a tree. Visual Still
September 1957 Newsletter  A fairy with wings paints a sign. Visual Still
January 5, 1940 Newsletter    Document
August 1948 Newsletter    Document
February 25, 1843 Newspaper    Document
March 25, 1949 Newspaper    Document
March 25, 1949 Newspaper    Document
March 25, 1949 Newspaper    Document
February 9, 1843 Newspaper    Document
unknown Painting  Portrait of Thomas Gallaudet. Visual Still
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