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Date Format Image Collection
1868 Book    Document
1858 Book    Document
1947 Book    Document
1854 Book    Document
1864 Book    Document
circa 1900 Book  A page from Sarah Fuller's vocabulary notebook with different symbols, resembling the letter f, a horseshoe, and a shoe. Visual Still
1845 Book    Document
1845 Book    Document
1845 Book    Document
1874 Book    Document
1875 Book    Document
1846 Book    Document
1887 Book    Document
1934 Book    Document
circa 1900 Book  Typed vocabulary words on a page from Sarah Fuller's vocabulary notebook. Visual Still
October 1946 Article    Document
April 24, 1883 Article    Document
February 1934 Article    Document
1854 Article    Document
February 26, 1903 Article    Document
February 4, 1904 Article    Document
October 20, 1908 Article    Document
July 1931 Article    Document
June 1905 Article    Document
July 1933 Article    Document
August 1931 Article    Document
August 1933 Article    Document
July 1931 Article    Document
August 1853 Article    Document
January 1933 Article    Document
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