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Date Format Image Collection
June 1932 Photograph  A woman sits in a wheelchair next to a car. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  A woman stands next to a car. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  A young man sits in a wheelchair. Visual Still
circa 1870 Photograph  Row of cottages used as residential quarters at the Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind in South Boston. There are two, side-by-side, three story cottage buildings that face a wide unpaved road. Visual Still
1899 Photograph  Photo of female students wearing bloomers, climbing and performing calisthenics. Visual Still
1910 Photograph  Children playing on a playground with slide, with Perkins Institution for the Blind in background. Visual Still
1904 Photograph  Two women at desks, one sitting, one standing. Visual Still
circa 1909 Photograph  Man in white lab coat stands in profile at piano, working with tuning instruments. Visual Still
1907 Photograph  Children playing potato sack race with guiding cables, background shows Perkins entryway portico. Visual Still
1900 Photograph  girls in courtyard with schoolhouse in center, surrounded by cottages. Visual Still
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