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KEYWORDS: Physical Disability

Results: 221 - 240 of 947 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1864 Book    Document
1821 Government Document    Document
1936 Annual Report    Document
1942     Document
1942 Charts & Tables    Document
1942 Photograph  Three women sits and talk. One has a crutch and braces. Another has a cane. Visual Still
1942 Charts & Tables  Chart showing percentages of Goodwill workers by disability. Visual Still
1899 Article    Document
August 1933 Photograph  A young man sits in a car. Visual Still
August 1933 Photograph  A young man sits in a chair and reads a book. Visual Still
August 1933 Photograph  A physical therapist works on a man in a pool. Visual Still
August 1933 Photograph  A man swims in a pool. Visual Still
August 1933 Photograph  A young man lies on a couch and reads a newspaper. Visual Still
August 1933 Photograph  A man works at a desk. Visual Still
August 1933 Photograph  A man suns himself on a cot. Visual Still
August 1933 Photograph  A man sleeps in a bed. Visual Still
August 1933 Photograph  Two young mnen and two young women sit on a porch swing. Visual Still
August 1933 Photograph  A young man walks on crutches. Visual Still
circa 1918 Pamphlet    Document
1959 Article    Document
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