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KEYWORDS: Hospitals

Results: 181 - 200 of 255 total   Next


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January 13, 1881 Postcard  Handwritten postcard address- Dr. H. M. Hurd, Eastern Assylum, Pontiac, Michigan Visual Still
March 15, 1879 Postcard  Handwritten postcard address- Dr. Henry M. Hurd, Asylum, Pontiac, Michigan Visual Still
August 27, 1878 Postcard  Handwritten postcard address- M. Hurd, Insane Asylum, Pontiac, Mich Visual Still
September 3, 1880 Postcard  Handwritten postcard address- Doctor Hurd, Eastern Insane Asylum, Pontiac, Mich. Visual Still
September 16, 1879 Postcard  Handwritten postcard address - Supt. of Insane Asylum, Pontiac. Mich. Visual Still
December 23, 1879 Postcard  Handwritten postcard address - Dr. Henry M. Hurd, Sup., Eastern Mich. Asylum, Pontiac Visual Still
January 13, 1881 Postcard  Handwritten Text - Dated January 13, 1881 Visual Still
March 15, 1879 Postcard  Handwritten Text - Dated March 15, 1879 Visual Still
August 27, 1878 Postcard  Handwritten Text - Dated August 27, 1878 Visual Still
September 3, 1880 Postcard  Handwritten Text - from John J. Martin Visual Still
September 16, 1879 Postcard  Handwritten Text -  from J. DuBois Visual Still
December 23, 1879 Postcard  Handwritten Text - dated East Saginaw, Sept. 15, 1879 Visual Still
circa 1930 Postcard  A cartoon of  man looking over the wall of an insane asylum. Visual Still
1947 Photograph  A nurse dressed in white washes a woman's back. Visual Still
1947 Photograph  Beds in an institutional room. Visual Still
1947 Photograph  An institutional room room crowded with beds. Visual Still
1947 Photograph  An open hall with wooden benches. Visual Still
1947 Photograph  Two patients in beds in aroom with peeling paint and crumbling plaster. Visual Still
1947 Photograph  A sink filled with eatring utensils next to two toilets. Visual Still
1947 Photograph  Three women sits in a couch and chairs.  The rooms has a lamp, curtains, and plants. Visual Still
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