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KEYWORDS: Health & Medicine

Results: 221 - 260 of 609 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
January 16, 1881 Postcard    Document
February 6, 1881 Postcard    Document
March 2, 1881 Postcard    Document
May 8, 1881 Postcard    Document
May 15, 1881 Postcard    Document
May 18, 1881 Postcard    Document
May 21, 1881 Postcard    Document
July 4, 1881 Postcard    Document
July 16, 1881 Postcard    Document
July 1881 Postcard    Document
August 1, 1881 Postcard    Document
August 14, 1881 Postcard    Document
September 9, 1881 Postcard    Document
September 21, 1881 Postcard    Document
October 9, 1881 Postcard    Document
November 6, 1881 Postcard    Document
November 14, 1981 Postcard    Document
February 1, 1882 Postcard    Document
April 30, 1882 Postcard    Document
August 13, 1882 Postcard    Document
December 1932 Article    Document
1830 Lithograph  Lithograph of large building with columns Visual Still
April 1932 Article    Document
1806 Lithograph  A powerfully built, angry looking man is sitting on the floor, arms folded and knees are drawn up close, his head is turned to the left; his wrists and ankles are in irons which are chained to the wall. Visual Still
1959 Magazine    Document
March 23, 1977 Article    Document
March 1933     Document
March 1933 Illustration  A cartoon of a man using a pickaxe, pushing a wheelbarrow, and carrying a box up stairs. Visual Still
February 1934 Article    Document
February 1934 Photograph  Children in wheelchairs work on a puzzle of Georgia Hall at Warm Springs. Visual Still
February 1934 Photograph  Children in wheelchairs surround a large completed puzzle of Geogia Hall at Warm Springs. Visual Still
February 1934 Photograph  A large and ornate cake. Visual Still
February 1934 Photograph  People in a courtyard, many in wheelchairs, playing instruments. Visual Still
July 1931 Illustration  Map for the states of origin of patients at Warm Springs. Visual Still
June 1932 Illustration  A map of the Warm Springs area with illustrations of activities. Visual Still
December 1932 Article    Document
June 1942 Article    Document
March 11, 1871 Postcard    Document
March 19, 1871 Postcard    Document
February 14, 1880 Postcard    Document
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