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KEYWORDS: Government

Results: 281 - 320 of 591 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
January 16, 1939 Government Document    Document
October 1920 Pamphlet    Document
1928 Book    Document
January 4, 1939 Correspondence    Document
February 7, 1918 Article    Document
1910 Book    Document
September 1931 Article    Document
December 29, 1915 Article    Document
1893 Book    Document
July 1845 Article    Document
1873 Book    Document
1873 Book    Document
1873 Illustration  Image of a legislative debate in Illinois. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A man speaks with another sitting at a desk. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A man at a desk hands a paper to a woman. Visual Still
unknown Photograph  A large two-story brick building, with stairs going to a railed-off porch. Visual Still
1908 Postcard  Photograph of a large brick building surrounded by a brick wall. Visual Still
1908 Postcard  Text of a postcard. Visual Still
1967     Document
1967 Charts & Tables  Pie charts displaying percentages of causes and classifications of mental retardation. Visual Still
1967 Photograph  A boy with an elderly woman who holds scissors. Visual Still
1967 Charts & Tables  Bar graphs showing numbers of mentally retarded receiving services next to photograph of large crowd. Visual Still
1967 Charts & Tables  Chart showing number of people in vocational rehabilitation programs and the foster grandparent program. Visual Still
1967 Photograph  An African American woman working on an adding machine. Visual Still
1967 Photograph  Two boys, One African American and the other white.  One smiles and the other appears to be singing. Visual Still
1967 Charts & Tables  Bar graph showing responses about various programs. Visual Still
1967 Photograph  A man in a white lab coat works at a microscope. Visual Still
1967 Photograph  A woman holding the face of a child. Visual Still
1967 Photograph  A woman showing a Dr. Seuss book to four teenage boys. Visual Still
1967 Charts & Tables  Chart displaying various child welfare services. Visual Still
1967 Photograph  Three photographs showing Girl Scouts, a teacher, and a dentist, all with children. Visual Still
1967 Photograph  An African American man works at an early computer. Visual Still
August 10, 1865 Magazine    Document
May 1940 Article    Document
November 1, 1922 Article    Document
1970 Article    Document
1904 Book    Document
July 25, 1941 Newsletter    Document
August 30, 1890 Cover  Cover of Scientific American magazine, showing men and women working on census data using Hollerith Tabulator and its punch cards. Visual Still
1858 Book    Document
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