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KEYWORDS: Sensory Disability

Results: 621 - 660 of 734 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1891 Conference Paper    Document
circa 1900 Photograph  One student standing at the chalkboard and five students in the classroom sitting at the Horace Mann School. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Both male and female deaf children stand in front of a chalk board to read at the Horace Mann School. Visual Still
circa 1845 Daguerreotype  Portrait of Laura Bridgman as a young woman wearing a patterned dress with lace collar. Her hair is braided and pinned up with a part down the middle. The Daguerreotype photograph is housed in a small leather case with a patterned red velvet lining surrounded by a gold mat board and embossing. Visual Still
August 1931 Article    Document
1933 Poster  Drawing showing declining numbers of admissions to blind schools due to ophthalmia neonatorum. Visual Still
circa 1905 Photograph  A small cottage with shrubs in foreground near Helen Keller's childhood home in Tuscumbia, Alabama. Visual Still
June 13, 1816 Legal documents    Document
November 1934 Article    Document
July 1974 Government Document    Document
1893 Photograph  Table covered with tactile models of fruits and flowers for a botany lesson at Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind, South Boston. Visual Still
circa 1900 Photograph  Six deaf students all sitting facing camera in classroom while one female teacher instructs the lesson. Visual Still
January 1905 Article    Document
circa 1900 Chart  A pictorial description of Alexander Melville Bell Visible Speech through sketches of related physiological parts. Visual Still
circa 1904 Photograph  Workshop for the Blind, Perkins Institution for the Blind, Fourth Street, South Boston, Mass. In front are two thick door mats and a spool of the thick cord used to make them. Six men stand in the back of the room at work stations. Some work on chair caning. One of the faces has been enhanced with pen for publication purposes. Visual Still
June 24, 1916 Article    Document
circa 1904 Photograph  Shop with men and boys working on chairs. Visual Still
1913 Photograph  Three buildings opened by the New York association for the Blind. Visual Still
1917 Photograph  A blind man stitching a broom. Visual Still
1918 Photograph  Five men working in the Fall River broom shop. Visual Still
circa 1910 Postcard  Men on benches making brooms by hand. Visual Still
1934 Poster  Poster with chart showing number of injuries from fireworks. Visual Still
1869 Book    Document
1869 Cover  Visual Still
1893     Document
1893 Illustration  A sketch of several institutional buildings. Visual Still
1893 Illustration  An engraving of the Abbe Sicard. Visual Still
1893 Illustration  An engraving of David G. Seixas. Visual Still
1893 Illustration  Engraving of a plain-looking building. Visual Still
1893 Photograph  A large institutional building. Visual Still
1893 Book    Document
1893 Illustration  An engraving of a three-story house. Visual Still
1893 Illustration  A large building with pillars. Visual Still
1893 Photograph  A large buildings with elm trees in front. Visual Still
circa 1904 Photograph  Classroom filled with boys at the Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind in South Boston. They are seated around a large U-shaped wooden table with an assortment of plants, pine cones, and flowers. Each boy has a writing tablet and writing instrument. Visual Still
circa 1904 Photograph  Boys' caning shop, Main building, Perkins Institution, South Boston, Mass. Showing Mr. Thomas J. Carroll, instructor. The boys stand at tall work benches with chair seats to be caned clamped at chest height. They each have long lengths of caning materials that they weave across the wooden frames. Visual Still
1839 Book    Document
1930 Chart  Bar graph showing steady decline in those blinded by ophthalmia neonatorum being admitted into schools for the blind between 1907 and 1930. Visual Still
June 25, 1916 Article    Document
March 16, 1919 Article    Document
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