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KEYWORDS: Physical Therapy

Results: 11 - 50 of 74 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
October 1933 Photograph  A boy lies in bed wearning splints. Visual Still
October 1933 Photograph  A boy lies in bed wearing splints. Visual Still
1962 Article    Document
September 1931 Article    Document
June 1932 Photograph  Four photographs of equipment used in the treatment of arthritis. Visual Still
September 1956 Article    Document
September 1956 Article    Document
September 1956 Newsletter  A squirrel and a bird next to a tree. Visual Still
September 1955 Article    Document
September 1955 Article    Document
September 1955 Newsletter  A monkey with a hat sits in a tree. Visual Still
1922 Poster  Girl diving off dock; message about overcoming disability. Visual Still
April 1932 Article    Document
August 1933 Photograph  A physical therapist works on a man in a pool. Visual Still
August 1933 Photograph  A man suns himself on a cot. Visual Still
August 1933 Photograph  A young man walks on crutches. Visual Still
July 1933 Article    Document
January 18, 1936 Speech    Document
April 1932 Article    Document
November 1933 Article    Document
July 1932 Article    Document
July 1932 Photograph  A batter stands next to a wheelchair and holds crutches while others watch. Visual Still
June 1932 Article    Document
June 1932 Photograph  A group photo of women in uniform with an elderly man. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  An view of a large swimming pool with people both swimming and sunning. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  A swimming pool with an umbrella and glassed building in the background. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  People sunbathing next to a pool. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  Four photographs of physical therapists working with patients in a swimming pool. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  Three photographs of physical therapists and patients walking. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  Boys play in a pool with a large ball. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  An African-American woman wearing a white dress. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  A young woman in a wheelchair looks at a paper with a list on it. Visual Still
May 1919 Article    Document
April 17, 1927 Correspondence    Document
April 1932 Article    Document
1884 Photograph  Major Atom with a top hat stands on a table next to an average sized woman. Visual Still
September 1946 Newsletter    Document
1919 Photograph  Four columns of soldiers hold their crutches and canes in the air Visual Still
June 1933 Article    Document
1959 Article    Document
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