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KEYWORDS: Anne Sullivan

Results: 41 - 53 of 53 total  


Date Format Image Collection
1892 Photograph  Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan (both left) stand together facing horses positioned right in Boston suburbs. Visual Still
1899 Photograph  Anne Sullivan (right) finger spelling a book with Helen Keller (left), both seated. Visual Still
circa 1899 Photograph  Keller facing right with head on Sullivan's shoulder. Visual Still
1894 Photograph  Large group photograph of American Association To Promote Teaching Speech To The Deaf summer meeting attendees wrapped above and below a large white porch in 1894. Visual Still
1888 Annual Report    Document
1870 Map  Agawam town map. Visual Still
June 1905 Article    Document
1912 Slide  Portrait of Anne Sullivan, seated, wearing all white, head facing right with body turned left. Visual Still
1886 Speech    Document
February 22, 1876 Government Document  Handwritten form detailing the admission of Anne and James Sullivan to the Tewksbury State Almshouse. Visual Still
circa 1887 Photograph  Young Sullivan facing camera, curly hair, dark dress, white lace collar with dark broach at throat. Visual Still
1907 Photograph  Group photograph in front of brick building. Visual Still
1893 Photograph  Visual Still
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