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KEYWORDS: Industry

Results: 11 - 50 of 68 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
December 1920 Poster  Two posters promoting eye safety. Visual Still
December 31, 1920 Poster  Two posters promoting eye safety. Visual Still
1941 Poster  A poster with a factory whistle calls for people to work in defense industries. Visual Still
1918 Photograph  Five men working in the Fall River broom shop. Visual Still
1917 Photograph  A blind man stitching a broom. Visual Still
April 1924 Photograph  Close-up of safety goggles, one lens shattered. Visual Still
November 1917 Photograph  A set of 94 broken goggles. Visual Still
November 1917 Photograph  One worker pours babbitt with a single hand ladle while another worker looks on. They both have safety glasses on, which are emphasized by 2 drawn on white arrows. Visual Still
1931 Photograph  Man sitting in chair, face bandaged, holding broken pair of safety goggles. Visual Still
April 1944 Photograph  Elderly women sits in front of screws with hand on a jar. Visual Still
April 1944 Photograph  Man looks at screw through magnifying glass. Visual Still
April 1944 Photograph  Elderly man with glasses prepares to palm screw. Visual Still
April 1944 Photograph  Elderly woman sits in wheelchair inspecting screws. Visual Still
April 1924 Photograph  Man working in steel factory wears protective mask. Visual Still
1917 Photograph  Man at a machine making dishmops Visual Still
1918 Photograph  Three men working in a dowel shop. Visual Still
1942 Photograph  Men working in a shop repairing furniture. Visual Still
1942 Photograph  A man wearing a welding shield. Visual Still
October 1918 Photograph  Men working at carpentry machinery. Visual Still
circa 1943 Photograph  A short statured woman wearing pants and a flowered scarf drills rivets on an airplane. Visual Still
January 1, 1943 Photograph  Woman and blind man work on aircraft as his seeing eye dog lies at his feet Visual Still
January 1, 1943 Photograph  Short statured man working inside wing of a B-17 Visual Still
1914 Photograph  Eight workers at the Fall River broom workshop Visual Still
1919 Photograph  Seven men working in the Pittsfield Broom Making workshop. Visual Still
1910 Photograph  Two men working in wire drawing factory. Visual Still
1926 Photograph  Man adjusts safety googles on a worker. Visual Still
October 1920 Pamphlet    Document
circa 1918 Pamphlet    Document
September 1946 Newsletter    Document
1908 Government Document    Document
1956 Comic Book  Comic book panels.  Three sets of couples converse. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  A young man tell his mother about his new job and she night be entitled to benefits. Visual Still
1946 Charts & Tables  Charts showing income goals for 1947 and what the inccrease would mean for staff and jobs. Visual Still
circa 1930 Chart  Chart showing the number of injuries and the compensation dispensed for them in Pennsylvania. Each type of injury (arms, legs, feet, hands, and eyes) has a depiction of a man with that injury. The man is drawn larger for more common injuries. Visual Still
1955 Book    Document
1919 Book  Four men with prosthetic arms use fitted tools. Visual Still
1919 Book  Man with one hand uses welding equipment at a work bench. Visual Still
1919 Book  Man with prosthetic arm used to attach to machine. Visual Still
1919 Book  Man with prosthetic arm works using drill press. Visual Still
1858 Book    Document
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