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Results: 461 - 491 of 491 total  


Date Format Image Collection
1917 Annual Report    Document
1912 Annual Report    Document
1916 Annual Report    Document
1916 Annual Report    Document
1915 Annual Report    Document
1946 Annual Report    Document
1907 Annual Report    Document
1908 Annual Report    Document
1888 Annual Report    Document
1936 Annual Report    Document
1839 Annual Report    Document
1910 Annual Report    Document
1909 Annual Report    Document
1848 Annual Report    Document
1838 Annual Report    Document
1838 Annual Report    Document
1891 Annual Report    Document
1900 Annual Report    Document
1896 Annual Report    Document
1842 Annual Report    Document
1845 Annual Report    Document
1870 Annual Report    Document
1864 Annual Report    Document
1852 Annual Report    Document
1889 Advertisement  Four men and one boy in suits, in a piano tuning shop. Visual Still
1889 Advertisement  Text only, testimonials from customers of Perkins-trained piano tuners. Visual Still
circa 1845 Daguerreotype  Portrait of Laura Bridgman as a young woman wearing a patterned dress with lace collar. Her hair is braided and pinned up with a part down the middle. The Daguerreotype photograph is housed in a small leather case with a patterned red velvet lining surrounded by a gold mat board and embossing. Visual Still
November 1916   Poster showing sighted worker and blind man. Visual Still
1859     Document
1906     Document
1942     Document
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