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Results: 81 - 107 of 107 total  


Date Format Image Collection
March 10, 1917 Advertisement  Water color of a black stork with a baby flying over a home with boarded up windows and a sign on the roof reading Black Stork Stay Off Visual Still
April 1, 1917 Advertisement  Near full page newspaper ad for The Black Stork at the LaSalle Theater.  A spread wiinged black stork flies through the air over the title. Visual Still
April 2, 1917 Advertisement  Motion Picture Directory Ad for The Black Stork at the LaSalle.  The ad has a picture of a black stork with a baby in a bundle in its beak. Visual Still
April 14, 1917 Advertisement  The Black Stork delivers a crying baby to Dr. Haiselden's door.  A sign on the door reads Black Stork Babies Not Treated Visual Still
February 1920 Article    Document
February 1920 Cartoon  Cartoon of skeleton holding jug of wood alcohol next to fresh graves. Visual Still
October 1920 Pamphlet    Document
1922 Poster  Mother lies in bed after giving birth; message about the danger of passing on syphillis to newborns. Visual Still
April 29, 1926 Article    Document
May 1927 Article    Document
December 14, 1937 Government Document    Document
1942     Document
1942 Photograph  Portrait of Edar J. Helms, an elderly balding man with glasses. Visual Still
1947 Book    Document
1956 Comic Book  Comic book panels of a young man speaking with his family at a high school graduation. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  A young man gets advice and goes to a Social Security office. Visual Still
1956 Comic Book  A young man tell his mother about his new job and she night be entitled to benefits. Visual Still
1956 Poster  A poster explaining what Social Security does with an image of a farm worker. Visual Still
August 1, 1956 Government Document    Document
1960 Poster  A poster of a man looking up at a billboard about chnages in Social Security. Visual Still
1965 Comic Book  A young man's father dies, and he believes he will have to quit school to work on the farm. Visual Still
1965 Comic Book  The young man finds out about death benefits and can stay in school. Visual Still
1970 Poster  Text poster about how to get black lung benefits. Visual Still
1974 Photograph  Light shining on a metal door. Visual Still
July 1974 Government Document    Document
1994 Book    Document
2003 Photograph  A very monument with a life-size statute of Tom Thumb on top. Visual Still
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