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Results: 11 - 43 of 43 total  


Date Format Image Collection
1919 Ephemera  A printed card with a photograph attached. Visual Still
September 1918 Article    Document
1906     Document
September 1902 Article    Document
August 1902 Article    Document
July 1902 Article    Document
1897 Article    Document
January 1897 Article    Document
June 1893 Poem    Document
1891 Annual Report    Document
1888 Annual Report    Document
October 1881 Annual Report    Document
1875 Book    Document
1873 Book    Document
1869 Book    Document
1862 Pamphlet    Document
1859     Document
1854 Book    Document
August 1853 Article    Document
June 1852 Magazine    Document
June 1852 Article    Document
May 1852 Magazine    Document
1850 Book    Document
1849 Book    Document
1849 Book    Document
1849 Book    Document
1846 Pamphlet    Document
July 1845 Article    Document
1845 Book    Document
1845 Book    Document
September 21, 1844 Article    Document
1837 Speech    Document
1827 Pamphlet  Poem from The Idiot. Visual Still
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