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KEYWORDS: Hospitals

Results: 151 - 190 of 255 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
June 1918 Article    Document
May 12, 1918 Article    Document
May 1918 Article    Document
March 1918 Article    Document
circa 1918 Photograph  Photograph of ward in military hospital, including veterans, nurses, and doctors.  Several men use wheelchairs. Visual Still
circa 1918 Pamphlet    Document
circa 1918 Photograph  Three smiling veterans. Two leg amputees are seated in wicker wheelchairs. An arm amputee stands behind them. Visual Still
September 17, 1917 Article    Document
July 21, 1916 Letter    Document
1916 Article    Document
December 8, 1915 Article    Document
November 24, 1915 Article    Document
November 22, 1915 Article    Document
November 20, 1915 Article    Document
November 20, 1915 Article    Document
November 19, 1915 Article    Document
November 18, 1915 Newspaper  Newspaper headline reads Baby Dies; Physician Upheld - Autopsy Puts Boy In Class Of Defectives - Dr. Reinhardt Says Dr. Haiselden Did RIght to Allow Death Visual Still
November 18, 1915 Article    Document
November 18, 1915 Article    Document
November 18, 1915 Article    Document
November 18, 1915 Article    Document
November 17, 1915 Article    Document
November 17, 1915 Article    Document
circa 1915 Pamphlet    Document
circa 1910 Postcard  Color postcard cartoon depicts man flying an airplane away from a brick building labeled Insane Asylum while guards look on from the roof. Visual Still
October 1908 Article    Document
1908 Book    Document
1908 Postcard  Photograph of a large brick building surrounded by a brick wall. Visual Still
1908 Postcard  Text of a postcard. Visual Still
1908 Article    Document
1908 Photograph  Photograph of large sprawling building with many windows, porches, and decks. Visual Still
1908 Photograph  Row of beds on a balconey. Visual Still
1908 Photograph  Layout of a large institution with many wings. Visual Still
1908 Photograph  A large building with many windows. Visual Still
1908 Photograph  Series of small buildings. Visual Still
1908 Photograph  Large brick building with cupola at center. Visual Still
1908 Photograph  Aerial view of large institutional complex. Visual Still
1906 Postcard  Color postcard of large building and lawn shaded by trees. Visual Still
circa 1905 Postcard  A picture of large insitution buildings with a handwritten message. Visual Still
circa 1905 Postcard  A horse and carriage in front of a large institutional brick building. Visual Still
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