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Results: 101 - 129 of 129 total  


Date Format Image Collection
1919 Poster  Exhibit poster showing two scenes in which blind men perform mechanical tasks in workshops. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Exhibit poster showing two scenes in which disabled veterans learn trades. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Exhibit poster showing two scenes in which men with partial arm amputations perform mechanical drafting without the need for prostheses. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Exhibit poster showing two scenes in which disabled soldiers are being taught useful skills to enable them to find employment upon discharge from military service - Disabled Serbians working in the carpentry shop at Lyons, France ; A tailoring class in Paris taught by a one-legged instructor. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Poster explaining government policies toward disabled military personnel. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Poster reading that The Disabled Man Who is Profitably Employed Is No Longer Handicapped.

Training for self-support is not only humane, but economical. The advantages already extended to injured soldiers at home and abroad must be extended to every citizen disabled in industry or accident.

Rehabilitation is the fundamental means of attack on the problem of disability. Let us help the cripple in the future, not by handing out alms, but by giving him a fair chance to win his own way to self-respect and self-support. Visual Still
1923 Photograph  Mrs. Coolidge presents a medal to a man (L.B. Clark) on crutches. Visual Still
June 1918 Photograph  Man and woman walking in field. Visual Still
June 1918 Photograph  Four men in a sculpture workshop. Visual Still
June 1918 Photograph  Three men, two with canes, one in military uniform, with chickens. Visual Still
June 1918 Photograph  Young man sits working at drafting board, Visual Still
1919 Photograph  Four columns of soldiers hold their crutches and canes in the air Visual Still
August 1918 Photograph  Three men work making signs. Visual Still
August 1918 Photograph  One man, standing, teaches four sitting men how to use telegraph machines. Visual Still
June 1918 Photograph  One-legged man sits at typewrite Visual Still
June 1918 Photograph  Six men working in a typesetting room. Visual Still
circa 1918 Photograph  Photograph of ward in military hospital, including veterans, nurses, and doctors.  Several men use wheelchairs. Visual Still
May 1919 Photograph  About a dozen one-legged men stand in a row, facing men holding exercise balls.  crutches lie on the floor. Visual Still
May 1919 Photograph  About a dozen men sitting on the floor of a gym, crutches at their sides. Visual Still
May 1919 Photograph  Men doing calisthenics in a field next to a three-story brick building. Visual Still
May 1919 Photograph  Six men walking on a beam. Visual Still
June 1918 Photograph  Man with one arm working in a greenhouse. Visual Still
1918 Photograph  Soldiers lying on stretchers; nurse and officers in background Visual Still
October 1918 Photograph  Men working at carpentry machinery. Visual Still
October 1918 Article  Three men housepainting. Visual Still
August 1918 Cartoon  Cartoon of soldier with cane in military fortification made of sandbags marked charity.  Poison gas, marked worn-out notion of the cripple, lies in the direction of a job. Visual Still
circa 1918 Photograph  Three smiling veterans. Two leg amputees are seated in wicker wheelchairs. An arm amputee stands behind them. Visual Still
June 1918 Photograph  Man in wheelchair reading aletter, a woman standing net to him. Visual Still
June 1918 Cartoon  Cartoon of a soldier with a cane running from women welcoming his home.  He runs toward a job. Visual Still
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