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KEYWORDS: Euthanasia

Results: 11 - 21 of 21 total  


Date Format Image Collection
November 17, 1915 Article    Document
November 24, 1915 Article    Document
November 22, 1915 Article    Document
November 19, 1915 Article    Document
November 20, 1915 Article    Document
December 8, 1915 Article    Document
November 20, 1915 Article    Document
April 2, 1917 Advertisement  Motion Picture Directory Ad for The Black Stork at the LaSalle.  The ad has a picture of a black stork with a baby in a bundle in its beak. Visual Still
March 10, 1917 Advertisement  Water color of a black stork with a baby flying over a home with boarded up windows and a sign on the roof reading Black Stork Stay Off Visual Still
April 14, 1917 Advertisement  The Black Stork delivers a crying baby to Dr. Haiselden's door.  A sign on the door reads Black Stork Babies Not Treated Visual Still
November 18, 1915 Newspaper  Newspaper headline reads Baby Dies; Physician Upheld - Autopsy Puts Boy In Class Of Defectives - Dr. Reinhardt Says Dr. Haiselden Did RIght to Allow Death Visual Still
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