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Date Format Image Collection
January 1, 1943 Photograph  Woman and blind man work on aircraft as his seeing eye dog lies at his feet Visual Still
1960 Photograph  Three blind people walk down a city street, two men flanking a woman. Each carries a white cane in their right hand. Visual Still
May 19, 1923 Letter    Document
July 1907 Article    Document
June 1892 Article    Document
April 1900 Article    Document
1862 Illustration  Woman sitting in chair at table reading book to three girls Visual Still
circa 1909 Photograph  Girl's sewing class from upper grammar at the the Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind in South Boston. The sewing room has eight or more sewing machine tables in two rows with railings sectioning off the work stations. Students sit on benches along the walls with sewing in their laps. Visual Still
1932 Photograph  Photograph of two blind men, using white canes, crossing the street in front of a truck and a car. Visual Still
1852 Annual Report    Document
1888 Article    Document
unknown Article    Document
December 1915 Photograph  Small child dries hands and face with a roller towel also used by a man. Visual Still
December 1915 Map  Map showing prevalence of blindness by state. Visual Still
June 23, 1916 Article    Document
1825 Pamphlet  Title page of Happy Poverty; a lithograph of a woman with hair braided at a spinning wheel and another older woman in a shawl sitting on a bed Visual Still
1864 Annual Report    Document
1870 Annual Report    Document
1845 Annual Report    Document
December 1917 Poster  Poster with drawing of woman holding a baby. Visual Still
December 1917 Poster  Poster with a drawing of a doctor applying eye drops into a baby's eyes, a nurse assisting. Visual Still
December 1917 Poster  Poster with drawing of a man holding a baby, a woman in the a doorway. Visual Still
December 1917 Poster  Poster with drawing of a woman and baby in bed with two women sitting next to them. Visual Still
December 1917 Poster  Poster with drawing of several children leaving a school for the blind. Visual Still
April 1919 Pamphlet    Document
April 1919 Pamphlet  First page of I Want to Thank You with My Eyes. Photograph of a baby above title. Visual Still
1842 Annual Report    Document
July 19, 1905 Telegram  Telegram from Helen Keller to John Hitz reading, in part: arrive in Washington Friday morning... and was sent via Western Union. Visual Still
October 1908 Article    Document
July 21, 1916 Letter    Document
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