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Date Format Image Collection
1960 Article    Document
July 1933 Article    Document
circa 1910 Photograph  A boy and a woman with eye chart. Visual Still
1926 Photograph  Man adjusts safety googles on a worker. Visual Still
1927 Chart  Bar graph showing decline in blindness due to ophthalmia neonatorum in schools for the blind between 1908 and 1927. Visual Still
1910 Photograph  Two men working in wire drawing factory. Visual Still
October 22, 1904 Letter    Document
April 20, 1908 Article    Document
February 1920 Article    Document
February 1920 Cartoon  Cartoon of skeleton holding jug of wood alcohol next to fresh graves. Visual Still
1959 Article    Document
March 3, 1913 Letter    Document
1908 Photograph  Woman seated at loom weaving Visual Still
February 1930 Article    Document
May 1930 Article    Document
August 1948 Newsletter    Document
August 1932 Article    Document
August 1933 Article    Document
January 1913 Article    Document
October 17, 1913 Article    Document
1927 Speech    Document
July 17, 1967 Speech    Document
September 29, 1965 Magazine    Document
circa 1930 Manuscript    Document
1959 Photograph  Two photographs of a woman in a wheelchair wearing a cape. Visual Still
October 1933 Article    Document
September 1855 Article    Document
September 1933 Article    Document
September 1931 Article    Document
September 28, 1877 Article    Document
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