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KEYWORDS: Connecticut

Results: 41 - 70 of 75 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
October 30, 1816 Correspondence    Document
January 29, 1794 Correspondence    Document
November 4, 1816 Correspondence    Document
November 6, 1816 Correspondence    Document
May 31, 1823 Correspondence    Document
October 15, 1821 Correspondence    Document
February 9, 1815 Correspondence    Document
January 8, 1818 Correspondence    Document
May 30, 1821 Correspondence    Document
August 10, 1814 Correspondence    Document
June 14, 1814 Correspondence    Document
July 17, 1829 Correspondence    Document
December 19, 1828 Correspondence    Document
1840 Painting  Painted portrait of Laurent Clerc wearing a high ruffled collar and dark coat Visual Still
February 20, 1946 Magazine    Document
1905 Article    Document
July 22, 1842 Letter    Document
1963 Photograph  Original caption: Honors Acclaim Helen Keller, 75. Easton, Connecticut: World Tribute will honor Miss Helen Keller, America's Most Courageous Lady, on the return to her Easton, Connecticut home from her current trip to the Far East. Visual Still
February 21, 1863 Article    Document
circa 1900 Postcard  Small photographs of five buildings. Visual Still
1824 Annual Report    Document
1867 Pamphlet    Document
1962 Article    Document
January 18, 1903 Article    Document
May 22, 1821 Pamphlet    Document
unknown Photograph  Photograph of the Cogswell House, a large townhouse, with a horse drawn carriage on the street in front. Visual Still
June 13, 1816 Legal documents    Document
April 10, 1946 Magazine    Document
1974 Book    Document
circa 1865 Photograph  Tom Thumb dress in traditional Scottish clothing. Visual Still
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