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KEYWORDS: Wheelchair

Results: 71 - 100 of 191 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
June 1932 Photograph  A boy sitting in a chair. Visual Still
July 1932 Photograph  A batter stands next to a wheelchair and holds crutches while others watch. Visual Still
1945 Photograph  Wooden ramp along stairs in ornate Victorian house. Visual Still
1945 Photograph  Ramp covering stairs next to ornate woodwork. Visual Still
February 1934 Photograph  Two smiling children in wheelchairs, one reclining. Visual Still
1960 Photograph  A man in a wheelchair with papers and a man using a mouthstick to type. Visual Still
1960 Photograph  A young man in a wheelchair with his wife and young daughter. Visual Still
circa 1918 Photograph  Three smiling veterans. Two leg amputees are seated in wicker wheelchairs. An arm amputee stands behind them. Visual Still
September 1932 Photograph  A man in a wheelchair typing. Visual Still
December 1933 Photograph  A bus with three men, one in a wheelchair. Visual Still
1962 Photograph  A row of men in wheelchairs before an American flag. Visual Still
June 1918 Photograph  Man in wheelchair reading aletter, a woman standing net to him. Visual Still
1959 Photograph  Two photographs of a woman in a wheelchair wearing a cape. Visual Still
1890 Photograph  Seven women sit in large wheelchairs on the porch of a large Victorian house at a sanitarium. Each is covered in a blanket and looks passively at the camera. Six attendants and two children stand behind and amongst them. Visual Still
circa 1905 Photograph  A young man with glasses sits in a wheelchair made of wicker. Visual Still
September 24, 1844 Patent    Document
September 24, 1844 Patent  Design drawing for J.G. Holmes Invalid Chairs, sheet 1 Visual Still
September 24, 1844 Patent  Design drawing for J.G. Holmes Invalid Chairs, Sheet 2. Visual Still
March 23, 1869 Patent    Document
March 23, 1869 Patent  Design drawing for G. Wells Invalid Chair. Visual Still
February 16, 1869 Patent    Document
February 16, 1869 Patent  Design drawing for A.P. Blunt & Jacob S. Smith Invalid Chair. Visual Still
August 25, 1863 Patent    Document
August 25, 1863 Patent  Design drawing of G.A. Mansfield chair. Visual Still
December 18, 1866 Patent    Document
December 18, 1866 Patent  Design drawing for C.L. Bauder Children's Carriage Visual Still
November 10, 1863 Patent    Document
November 10, 1863 Patent  Design for C.L. Bauder Ambulance. Visual Still
November 10, 1863 Patent  Design for C.L. Bauder Ambulance. Visual Still
May 10, 1853 Patent    Document
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