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KEYWORDS: Portrait

Results: 101 - 130 of 152 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
circa 1875 Photograph  Lucretia I. Allen, close up portrait, dark dress with light bow. Visual Still
circa 1880 Photograph  A large man and woman.  She wears a wedding dress. Visual Still
August 1931 Photograph  A group of seventeen people, some in wheelchairs, some standing. Visual Still
April 1932 Photograph  A man and and woman in wheelchairs with two men standing. Visual Still
circa 1844 Photograph  P.T Barnum sits in a chair.  Tom Thumb, with hand on Barnum's shoulder and in uniform, stands on table. Visual Still
1885 Photograph  Formal portrait of P.T. Barnum wearing suit and bow tie Visual Still
circa 1885 Photograph  Three bust view photos of Barnum laid out horizontally on an uncut sheet. Visual Still
circa 1885 Photograph  Bust view photo of Barnum on an uncut print sheet. Visual Still
June 21, 1886 Photograph  A portrait of a couple standing, the woman in a dress with ruffles and the man in a suit. Visual Still
1886 Photograph  Two boys working as cobblers. One files the sole of a shoe. The other holds a hammer and last upright and smiles. Visual Still
1886 Photograph  Three men stand with their arms folded across their chests. Visual Still
1886 Photograph  Two women pose with their arms crossed against their chests Visual Still
1886 Photograph  Photograph of two young boys with buttoned coats and bow ties. Visual Still
1898 Photograph  A portrait of a man with sideburns. Visual Still
1942 Photograph  Portrait of Edar J. Helms, an elderly balding man with glasses. Visual Still
circa 1845 Photograph  Photograph of Samuel G. Howe leaning on a chair with his right hand resting in his buttoned coat. Visual Still
circa 1875 Photograph  Samuel Gridley Howe, waist-up portrait, dark suit, gray hair and beard. Visual Still
January 30, 1937 Photograph  Photograph of Carl Byoir. Visual Still
circa 1865 Photograph  A short-statured man in formal dress stands with one hand on a chair. Visual Still
circa 1875 Photograph  A short-statured man and woman dressed formally. Visual Still
circa 1865 Photograph  A short-statuer man and woman stand between a chair and drapery. Visual Still
circa 1875 Photograph  A short-statured man and woman, both formally dressed. Visual Still
circa 1865 Photograph  Charles Stratton and Lavinia Warren with a baby. Visual Still
1934 Photograph  A portrait of Edward R. Johnstone, wearing suit and tie. Visual Still
1934 Photograph  A portrait of S. Olin Garrison. Visual Still
circa 1870 Photograph  An average-sized man stands between two short-statured men with long hair and beards. Visual Still
circa 1865 Photograph  An average-sized man stands between two short-statured men with long hair and beards. Visual Still
circa 1865 Photograph  An average-sized man stands between two sitting short-stautured men with long hair and beards. Visual Still
unknown Photograph  Two small-statured men with long hair and beards stand between two pedestals. Visual Still
May 26, 1924 Photograph  Group portrait of students and teachers posed outside the Wright Oral School. Visual Still
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