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Date Format Image Collection
1889 Book    Document
circa 1890 Photograph  Eight executive committee members of the American Association to Promote Teaching Speech to the Deaf stand on outdoor steps for a black and white photo. Visual Still
circa 1890 Photograph  Portrait of Sarah Fuller facing left. Visual Still
circa 1890 Photograph  Photograph of Sarah Fuller's class with seated students facing chalkboard, away from camera. One student is standing at the board with Fuller instructing. Visual Still
circa 1890 Photograph  Sarah Fuller sits facing child. Visual Still
1890 Photograph  Four young deaf girls sit in a classroom practicing speech lessons with their teacher Visual Still
March 29, 1890 Letter    Document
May 3, 1890 Letter    Document
May 25, 1890 Article    Document
circa 1891 Photograph  young Helen Keller standing with seated Michael Anagnos. Visual Still
circa 1891 Photograph  Young Helen Keller facing right, white bow in hair, white dress. Visual Still
1891 Conference Paper    Document
1891 Annual Report    Document
July 27, 1891 Article    Document
December 29, 1891 Article    Document
circa 1892 Photograph  Helen Keller wearing dress with lace at collar and holding flowers side view facing right for a colored, head and shoulders portrait. Visual Still
1892 Photograph  Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan (both left) stand together facing horses positioned right in Boston suburbs. Visual Still
1892 Article    Document
1892 Article    Document
June 1892 Article    Document
July 23, 1892 Photograph  The second summer meeting for the American Association to Promote Teaching Speech to the Deaf photographed at Grosbyside Hotel Lake George.  Group of about 100 men and awomen. Visual Still
July 28, 1892 Photograph  Bell with a group of children sitting on steps. Visual Still
July 28, 1892 Photograph  Behind the scene photograph of the group photograph of the first summer American Association To Promote Teaching Speech To The Deaf meeting taken on a Lake George porch with Alexander G. Bell. Photographer and camera are positioned left with the meeting participants in the background. Visual Still
July 28, 1892 Photograph  Group photograph of the first summer American Association To Promote Teaching Speech To The Deaf meeting taken on a Lake George porch with Alexander G. Bell positioned center with beard. Visual Still
December 9, 1892 Photograph  Young Helen Keller seated facing right, wearing a long sleeved dress at a table typing on a typewriter or braille writer.  In color. Visual Still
1893 Photograph  Visual Still
1893 Illustration  A large building with pillars. Visual Still
1893     Document
1893 Photograph  Group instructor photograph taken at the World's Congress, with Helen Keller, Alexander Graham Bell, and Anne Sullivan in center. Visual Still
1893 Photograph  A speech class for deaf children who use mirrors to watch their tongues. Visual Still
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