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Date Format Image Collection
August 4, 1915 Article    Document
1916 Book    Document
April 9, 1916 Article    Document
June 23, 1916 Article    Document
June 25, 1916 Article    Document
July 21, 1916 Letter    Document
circa 1918 Pamphlet    Document
circa 1918 Photograph  Three smiling veterans. Two leg amputees are seated in wicker wheelchairs. An arm amputee stands behind them. Visual Still
1918 Photograph  Soldiers lying on stretchers; nurse and officers in background Visual Still
March 1918 Article    Document
May 12, 1918 Article    Document
June 1918 Article    Document
June 1918 Photograph  Four men in a sculpture workshop. Visual Still
June 1918 Article    Document
June 1918 Photograph  Man in wheelchair reading aletter, a woman standing net to him. Visual Still
July 6, 1918 Article    Document
November 1918 Article    Document
1919 Book    Document
1919 Book  Double amputee uses two prosthetic arms to use fork for turning soil. Visual Still
1919 Book  Four men with prosthetic arms use fitted tools. Visual Still
1919 Book  A man with one arm works on machine in a woodworking shop. Visual Still
1919 Book  Six men, some amputees, in woodworking shop. Visual Still
1919 Book  Man with prosthetic arm used to attach to machine. Visual Still
1919 Book  Man using prosthetic arm to attach to cutting tool. Visual Still
1919 Book  Double amputee with prosthetic arms sharpens scythe. Visual Still
1919 Book  Man with prosthetic arm holds reins in a field plowing. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Exhibit poster showing two scenes in which men with double leg amputations are being taught to walk with prostheses. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Exhibit poster showing two scenes At work again and Back to the farm in which men using working protheses perform manual labor in a woodworking shop and on a farm. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Exhibit poster showing a disabled veteran in a field with his wife. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Exhibit poster showing two scenes in which disabled soldiers are being taught useful skills to enable them to find employment upon discharge from military service - Disabled Serbians working in the carpentry shop at Lyons, France ; A tailoring class in Paris taught by a one-legged instructor. Visual Still
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