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KEYWORDS: Physical Disability

Results: 161 - 190 of 947 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
July 1955 Illustration  A drawn picture of a cat in a picnic basket. Visual Still
circa 1955 Comic Book  Boy in a wheelchair surrounded by Franklin Roosevelt and  other people with disabilities. Visual Still
circa 1955 Comic Book  Panels of the comic book, The Will To Win.  A comic creator invents a smiling character in a wheelchair, Good Willy. Visual Still
circa 1955 Comic Book  Panels of the comic book, The Will to Win. Milton Caniff thinks about people with disabilities and shows Good Willy at a Goodwill store. Visual Still
circa 1955 Comic Book  Panels of the comic book, The Will to Win. A woman shows Good Willy around Goodwill Industries. Visual Still
circa 1955 Comic Book  Panels of the comic book, The Will to Win. Good Willy continues his tour of Goodwill Industries. Visual Still
circa 1955 Comic Book  Panels of the comiuc book, The Will to Win.  Good Willy learns about people who have succeeded despite their disabilities. Visual Still
circa 1955 Comic Book  Panels of the comic book, The Will to Win. Good Willy learns more about how Goodwill Industries operates. Visual Still
circa 1955 Comic Book  Panels of the comic book, The Will to Win. Good Willy learns about how Goodwill collects donations. Visual Still
September 1, 1954 Government Document    Document
circa 1950 Stamps  Visual Still
circa 1950 Postcard  Postcard photograph of children playing in a pool. Visual Still
circa 1950 Stamps  Stamp with image of child in braces about to throw a baseball. Visual Still
1950 Postcard  Two large group photographs of campers; one small group photo of campers doing activities at an outside table Visual Still
1950 Postcard  Handwritten postcard text from camper thanking donor for his contribution to Easter Seals. Visual Still
1950 Photograph  Portrait Howard Rusk.  Half-length, full-face.  Signed by Rusk, 1950 Visual Still
August 19, 1949 Postcard  Handwritten postcard text from campers to donors thanking them for contributing to Easter Seals. Visual Still
June 15, 1949 Speech    Document
March 25, 1949 Newspaper    Document
March 25, 1949 Newspaper    Document
March 25, 1949 Newspaper    Document
March 25, 1949 Photograph  A newspaper photograph of about twenty people, about half of whom are in wheelchairs. Visual Still
1949 Postcard  Postcard includes three photographs: top-- group photo of campers at Camp Easter Seal; center-- counselors help campers with artificial legs practice archery; bottom-- group photo of campers at Camp Daddy Allen waving their arms Visual Still
August 29, 1948 Postcard  Group photograph of campers waving.  One child is circled in pen and labelled Me. Visual Still
August 29, 1948 Postcard  Handwritten postcard text from camper to donor thanking her for her contribution to Easter Seals. Visual Still
1948 Photograph  A fireplace with a portrait of Franklin Roosevelt above. Visual Still
1948 Photograph  A desk with FDR momentos, including a photograph of Winston Churchill. Visual Still
September 3, 1947 Postcard  Group photograph of campers waving.  One girl is circled in pen and labelled Me. Visual Still
September 3, 1947 Postcard  Handwritten postcard text from camper thanking donor for his contribution to Easter Seals. Visual Still
September 1946 Newsletter    Document
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