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KEYWORDS: Insanity

Results: 241 - 261 of 261 total  


Date Format Image Collection
February 9, 1843 Newspaper    Document
1843 Government Document    Document
circa 1840 Photograph  Portrait of Dorothea Dix: half-length, full face, seated, head to left, arm resting on table. Visual Still
1837 Speech    Document
1837 Government Document    Document
December 1833 Annual Report    Document
November 30, 1833 Annual Report    Document
1833 Illustration  Architectural design of the Worcester Lunatic Hospital Visual Still
1833 Lithograph  A carriage at the front of a large institutional building. Visual Still
December 6, 1832 Government Document    Document
January 4, 1832 Government Document    Document
1830 Lithograph  Lithograph of large building with columns Visual Still
1806 Lithograph  A powerfully built, angry looking man is sitting on the floor, arms folded and knees are drawn up close, his head is turned to the left; his wrists and ankles are in irons which are chained to the wall. Visual Still
unknown Postcard    Document
unknown Postcard    Document
unknown Postcard    Document
unknown Postcard    Document
unknown Postcard    Document
unknown Postcard    Document
unknown Postcard    Document
unknown Postcard    Document
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