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KEYWORDS: Hospitals

Results: 121 - 150 of 255 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
October 1932 Article    Document
June 1932 Photograph  A single-storied building surrounded by trees. Visual Still
June 1932 Photograph  Four photographs of equipment used in the treatment of arthritis. Visual Still
April 1932 Article    Document
September 1931 Article    Document
September 1931 Photograph  Photograph of the infirmary, a single-story building with pillars. Visual Still
circa 1930 Postcard  A cartoon of  man looking over the wall of an insane asylum. Visual Still
1930 Annual Report    Document
1929 Annual Report    Document
May 1927 Article    Document
1927 Photograph  Portrait of Edgar Fiske Allen -- well-dressed man; mustachioed, glasses, balding. Visual Still
1924 Book    Document
1922 Poster  Mother lies in bed after giving birth; message about the danger of passing on syphillis to newborns. Visual Still
circa 1920 Postcard  Postcard of a large, institutional building. Visual Still
circa 1920 Postcard  Colored postcard of staff and patients eating watermelon on lawn in front of low buildings with red and white awnings Visual Still
circa 1920 Postcard  A view through trees of an institutional building. Visual Still
April 1919 Pamphlet    Document
April 1919 Pamphlet  First page of I Want to Thank You with My Eyes. Photograph of a baby above title. Visual Still
March 1919 Article    Document
1919 Book    Document
1919 Book  Young man sits at drafting table next to large window. Visual Still
1919 Book  Man in bed uses typewriter while man in uniform looks on. Visual Still
1919 Book  Six African American men sit around a table while a white man in uniform looks on. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Exhibit poster showing two scenes of men in hospitals recovering from war wounds - simple designing while still in bed ; an American soldier begins again to take an interest in life. Visual Still
1919 Poster  Exhibit poster showing a man recovering from war wounds at Walter Reed Hospital learning the craft of engraving. Visual Still
1919 Ephemera  A printed card with a photograph attached. Visual Still
1919 Photograph  Four columns of soldiers hold their crutches and canes in the air Visual Still
November 1918 Article    Document
June 1918 Article    Document
June 1918 Photograph  Young man sits working at drafting board, Visual Still
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