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KEYWORDS: Fundraising

Results: 111 - 134 of 134 total  


Date Format Image Collection
1921 Postcard  Form note, from the back of a postcard, from the Chairman of the Community Chest thanking donors for their contributions and soliciting the names of other potential donors. Visual Still
1920 Article    Document
1920 Article    Document
December 21, 1919 Article    Document
October 14, 1918 Article    Document
June 25, 1918 Article    Document
April 7, 1918 Article    Document
June 25, 1916 Article    Document
June 24, 1916 Article    Document
June 23, 1916 Article    Document
April 9, 1916 Article    Document
August 4, 1915 Article    Document
February 23, 1913 Article    Document
January 12, 1913 Article    Document
circa 1910 Postcard  Photograph of young man sitting in a wagon with boy standing behind him Visual Still
January 16, 1907 Article    Document
1905 Article    Document
1891 Annual Report    Document
1890 Postcard  A man rides in a goat-drawn cart Visual Still
April 14, 1830 Correspondence    Document
July 17, 1829 Correspondence    Document
November 10, 1816 Correspondence    Document
September 7, 1816 Correspondence    Document
August 9, 1816 Correspondence    Document
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