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KEYWORDS: Education

Results: 11 - 40 of 659 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1979 Speech    Document
1976 Speech    Document
1975 Speech    Document
1975 Speech    Document
1974 Book    Document
1974 Photograph  A boy looks up from a coloring book. Visual Still
1974 Photograph  Four children in a dilapidated room. Visual Still
1974 Photograph  People sitting on a bench in a room. Visual Still
1974 Photograph  A boy, in a chair marked Fred, sits next to a woman and a record player. Visual Still
1974 Photograph  A woman helping four children working on art. Visual Still
1974 Photograph  A woman teaches a classroom of children. Visual Still
1974 Photograph  A teacher at her desk and two children at tables. Visual Still
1974 Photograph  A teacher with four children in a classroom. Visual Still
1974 Photograph  A child works with a peg board. Visual Still
1974 Photograph  A young man gluing paper. Visual Still
1974 Photograph  A young man cutting paper. Visual Still
1974 Photograph  A man and a woman at a table with peg boards. Visual Still
1974 Photograph  A boy in a playpen. Visual Still
1974 Speech    Document
circa 1970 Photograph  Two adults showing two children how to color. Visual Still
1970 Article    Document
1970 Article    Document
1970 Article    Document
May 1969 Speech    Document
January 10, 1969 Government Document    Document
January 10, 1969 Government Document    Document
January 10, 1969 Government Document    Document
January 10, 1969 Government Document    Document
January 10, 1969 Government Document    Document
January 10, 1969 Government Document    Document
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