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KEYWORDS: Psychiatric Disability

Results: 131 - 160 of 331 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1876 Conference Paper    Document
1877 Article    Document
1877 Government Document    Document
March 1877 Government Document    Document
September 28, 1877 Article    Document
August 27, 1878 Postcard  Handwritten postcard address- M. Hurd, Insane Asylum, Pontiac, Mich Visual Still
August 27, 1878 Postcard  Handwritten Text - Dated August 27, 1878 Visual Still
October 24, 1878 Postcard    Document
November 12, 1878 Postcard    Document
November 15, 1878 Postcard    Document
November 29, 1878 Postcard    Document
1879 Conference Paper    Document
March 15, 1879 Postcard  Handwritten postcard address- Dr. Henry M. Hurd, Asylum, Pontiac, Michigan Visual Still
March 15, 1879 Postcard  Handwritten Text - Dated March 15, 1879 Visual Still
April 3, 1879 Postcard    Document
April 30, 1879 Postcard    Document
June 2, 1879 Postcard    Document
July 1, 1879 Postcard    Document
July 23, 1879 Postcard    Document
August 11, 1879 Postcard    Document
September 2, 1879 Postcard    Document
September 16, 1879 Postcard  Handwritten postcard address - Supt. of Insane Asylum, Pontiac. Mich. Visual Still
September 16, 1879 Postcard  Handwritten Text -  from J. DuBois Visual Still
November 18, 1879 Postcard    Document
December 23, 1879 Postcard  Handwritten postcard address - Dr. Henry M. Hurd, Sup., Eastern Mich. Asylum, Pontiac Visual Still
December 23, 1879 Postcard  Handwritten Text - dated East Saginaw, Sept. 15, 1879 Visual Still
circa 1880 Photograph  Fourteen women pose on the steps of the Willard Asylum. Visual Still
circa 1880 Photograph  Stereo card of men and women at work in the laundry at Willard Asylym. Visual Still
circa 1880 Photograph  Stereo card showing male and female patients, including children, playing crocquet in front of a large brick building at Willard Asylum. Visual Still
January 31, 1880 Postcard    Document
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