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Date Format Image Collection
1942 Charts & Tables  Chart showing percentages of Goodwill workers by disability. Visual Still
1942 Photograph  Men working in a shop repairing furniture. Visual Still
1942 Photograph  A man wearing a welding shield. Visual Still
1942 Photograph  Portrait of Edar J. Helms, an elderly balding man with glasses. Visual Still
1942 Photograph  An elderly man varnishing a chair. Visual Still
circa 1910 Postcard  A black man wearing long coat and necktie stands playing a guitar in front of a table and a chair Visual Still
1913 Photograph  Robert McGregor signs A Lay Sermon: The Universal Brotherhood of Man and FAtherhood of God. Visual Still
April 1933 Magazine  Cover of The Polio Chronicle showing Franklin Roosevelt taking the oath of office. Visual Still
June 11, 1939 Photograph  Franklin Roosevelt and the royal couple sit at a table on the porch of Top Cottage. Visual Still
June 11, 1939 Photograph  Looking up on the Top Cottage porch during the royal visit. Visual Still
June 11, 1939 Photograph  FDR sits at a table next a standing Queen Elizabeth. Visual Still
June 1939 Photograph  Franklin Roosevelt drives a car as King George speaks to him from the back seat.  Roosevelt is seated next Queen Elizabeth. Visual Still
June 1939 Photograph  Roosevelt, holding the arm of a man in uniform, speaks with the King.  Eleanor Roosevelt and Queen Elizabeth stand nearby. Visual Still
June 1939 Photograph  King George, Franklin Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt stand with military personnel, many saluting, at Union Station. Visual Still
June 11, 1939 Photograph  King George sits at a table with two women and a man outside Top Cottage. Visual Still
1939 Photograph  Herbert Lehman, Jr., holding hat, at Top Cottage. Visual Still
June 11, 1939 Photograph  Group sitting on chairs next to Top Cottage porch.  A line of people leads to porch entrance. Visual Still
circa 1960 Photograph  Seven children sit at a table.  Three of the children have Down Syndrome. Visual Still
circa 1940 Postcard  A woman leads two little girls, one who uses crutches, up the front walk past flowers to the hospital. Visual Still
1905 Postcard  Drawing of a man pulling a wagon away path from a large institutional building. Visual Still
1863 Pamphlet  Front cover of pamphlet recounting the lives of Tom Thumb and his wife Lavinia Warren Stratton Visual Still
1863 Illustration  Illustration of Charles Stratton's residence; a horse drawn carriage in the foreground passes the gated mansion. Visual Still
1863 Illustration  An illustration depicting an adult male lecturing Gen. Tom Thumb who is in uniform. Visual Still
1863 Illustration  An illustration depicting Tom Thumb fending off a small dog with his cane, to the apparent amusement of an adult crowd in a parlor. Visual Still
1863 Illustration  An illustration of the wedding ceremony inside of a church. Visual Still
1863 Illustration  Illustration of diamond necklace that Gen. Tom Thumb gave to his wife. Visual Still
1863 Illustration  Illustration of presents including jewelry, furs, a cradle, and a chair. Visual Still
1863 Illustration  An illustration of a fruit basket received as a wedding gift. Visual Still
1863 Illustration  An illustration of a watch received as a wedding gift. Visual Still
1863 Illustration  An illustration of the wedding cake and more gifts. Visual Still
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