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Results: 11 - 34 of 34 total  


Date Format Image Collection
September 1, 1843 Correspondence    Document
September 4, 1843 Correspondence    Document
October 12, 1843 Correspondence    Document
August 18, 1844 Correspondence    Document
January 30, 1845 Correspondence    Document
April 30, 1845 Correspondence    Document
1969 Article    Document
March 1, 1860 Advertisement    Document
March 19, 1860 Advertisement    Document
July 27, 1865 Article    Document
April 29, 1926 Article    Document
March 3, 1868 Photograph  Two frontal views of the ruins of Barnum's Museum. Visual Still
circa 1880 Photograph  Bust view, oval format, of Tom Thumb in his later years, with beard and wearing coat and vest. Visual Still
circa 1880 Advertisement  Color advertising card shaped like artist's palette. Visual Still
circa 1880 Advertisement  Color advertising card shaped like artist's palette. Visual Still
circa 1880 Advertisement  Color advertising card shaped like artist's palette. Visual Still
circa 1880 Advertisement  Reverse side of advertising card shaped like artist's palette. Visual Still
circa 1860 Pamphlet  Frontal view of Barnum's American Museum Visual Still
1855 Illustration  An engraving of the exterior of the American Museum. Visual Still
1855 Illustration  An engraving of a withered monkey torso attached to a fish tail. Visual Still
1855 Illustration  Three mermaids on an ocean rock, one holding a hand mirror. Visual Still
1855 Illustration  Portrait of P.T. Barnum. Visual Still
1885 Photograph  Formal portrait of P.T. Barnum wearing suit and bow tie Visual Still
1993 Photograph  A set of four miniature carriages, one in the shape of a walnut. Visual Still
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