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Results: 71 - 96 of 96 total  


Date Format Image Collection
March 22, 1844 Illustration  Lithograph of Charles Stratton dressed as Napoleon Bonaparte. Visual Still
1974 Photograph  A row of hospital beds with stuffed animals and dolls. Visual Still
1919 Book  Soldiers march past disabled children and nurses in an English village. Visual Still
1919 Book  Man with crutch and peg-leg holds hat in front of two gentlemen. Visual Still
1919 Book  Three men, one in middle holds a chicken. Visual Still
July 3, 1858 Engraving  A woman with crown and shield watches as Diphtheria, Scrofula, Cholera, and a large male creature emerge from dirty water. Visual Still
1880 Photograph  Portrait of Francis Galton.  Head and shoulders, right profile; in oval Visual Still
1806 Lithograph  A powerfully built, angry looking man is sitting on the floor, arms folded and knees are drawn up close, his head is turned to the left; his wrists and ankles are in irons which are chained to the wall. Visual Still
1868 Illustration  A woman sits and reads to a group of children. Visual Still
1962 Photograph  The author, strapped on a stretcher, enters an automobile. Visual Still
1962 Photograph  The author smiles as a waietr pours a glass of wine. Visual Still
1962 Article  With Paris in the background, the author smiles from his wheelchair. Visual Still
1869 Book  A boy looks into the sky near the ocean. Visual Still
1918 Photograph  Soldiers lying on stretchers; nurse and officers in background Visual Still
June 11, 1939 Photograph  Franklin Roosevelt and the royal couple sit at a table on the porch of Top Cottage. Visual Still
June 11, 1939 Photograph  Looking up on the Top Cottage porch during the royal visit. Visual Still
June 11, 1939 Photograph  FDR sits at a table next a standing Queen Elizabeth. Visual Still
June 1939 Photograph  Franklin Roosevelt drives a car as King George speaks to him from the back seat.  Roosevelt is seated next Queen Elizabeth. Visual Still
June 1939 Photograph  Roosevelt, holding the arm of a man in uniform, speaks with the King.  Eleanor Roosevelt and Queen Elizabeth stand nearby. Visual Still
June 1939 Photograph  King George, Franklin Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt stand with military personnel, many saluting, at Union Station. Visual Still
June 11, 1939 Photograph  King George sits at a table with two women and a man outside Top Cottage. Visual Still
1939 Photograph  Herbert Lehman, Jr., holding hat, at Top Cottage. Visual Still
June 11, 1939 Photograph  Group sitting on chairs next to Top Cottage porch.  A line of people leads to porch entrance. Visual Still
1863 Illustration  An illustration depicting Tom Thumb fending off a small dog with his cane, to the apparent amusement of an adult crowd in a parlor. Visual Still
circa 1845 Illustration  A tiny Tom Thumb stands on a table next a woman and two men.  The room is ornate. Visual Still
1993 Photograph  Boots and a suit next to an open book. Visual Still
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