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KEYWORDS: Soldiers

Results: 11 - 30 of 35 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
June 1918 Article    Document
1919 Photograph  Four columns of soldiers hold their crutches and canes in the air Visual Still
July 6, 1918 Article    Document
1870     Document
1870 Illustration  Two images of a man who had a musket ball pass through his head. Visual Still
1870 Illustration  An engraving of the back of a man's head with a large cavity. Visual Still
October 25, 1922 Article    Document
October 7, 1906 Article    Document
November 1, 1922 Article    Document
1868 Book    Document
1868 Illustration  Engraving of a weary looking soldier returning to his home. Visual Still
1863 Annual Report    Document
circa 1918 Photograph  Photograph of ward in military hospital, including veterans, nurses, and doctors.  Several men use wheelchairs. Visual Still
June 1918 Article    Document
1918 Photograph  Soldiers lying on stretchers; nurse and officers in background Visual Still
November 8, 1922 Article    Document
1862 Pamphlet    Document
1865 Pamphlet    Document
1865 Pamphlet    Document
circa 1918 Photograph  Three smiling veterans. Two leg amputees are seated in wicker wheelchairs. An arm amputee stands behind them. Visual Still
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