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Results: 31 - 50 of 315 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1974 Photograph  A group of closely arranged beds. Visual Still
1974 Photograph  A large group of institutional beds. Visual Still
1974 Photograph  A woman helping four children working on art. Visual Still
1968 Poster  Closer Look poster. Visual Still
March 1933 Article    Document
July 1974 Government Document    Document
April 10, 1946 Magazine    Document
March 25, 1943 Newsletter    Document
August 1931 Article    Document
1891 Conference Paper    Document
April 28, 1883 Article    Document
March 1904 Article    Document
May 1960 Speech    Document
1919 Book    Document
1919 Book  Soldiers march past disabled children and nurses in an English village. Visual Still
1919 Book  Drawings of about 25 physically disabled people, many with primitive crutches. Visual Still
1919 Book  Man with crutch and peg-leg holds hat in front of two gentlemen. Visual Still
1919 Book  Double amputee uses two prosthetic arms to use fork for turning soil. Visual Still
1919 Book  Four men with prosthetic arms use fitted tools. Visual Still
1919 Book  Young man sits at drafting table next to large window. Visual Still
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