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KEYWORDS: Insanity

Results: 181 - 200 of 261 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
March 2, 1854 Government Document    Document
May 4, 1854 Government Document    Document
June 19, 1854 Government Document    Document
1874 Government Document  Twelve pie charts showing a comparative view of the distribution of insanity by sex and nativity in the several States. Visual Still
1887 Government Document    Document
1877 Government Document    Document
1919 Ephemera  A printed card with a photograph attached. Visual Still
1848 Engraving  A man sits outside a curved cage. A man and a woman watch. Three figures in the background stand by bars. Visual Still
1884 Conference Paper    Document
1891 Conference Paper    Document
1883 Conference Paper    Document
1884 Conference Paper    Document
1879 Conference Paper    Document
1876 Conference Paper    Document
1908 Book    Document
1851 Book    Document
1851 Book  Visual Still
1851 Book  Man being forced medication, while a dcotor looks on. Visual Still
1851 Book    Document
1907 Book    Document
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