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KEYWORDS: Prejudice

Results: 11 - 30 of 55 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
November 22, 1922 Article    Document
November 29, 1922 Article    Document
December 15, 1922 Article    Document
May 1923 Article    Document
January 1933     Document
February 1933 Article    Document
March 1933 Article    Document
July 1933 Article    Document
August 1933 Article    Document
January 1934 Article    Document
1943 Annual Report    Document
1947 Book    Document
1947 Photograph  A nurse dressed in white washes a woman's back. Visual Still
1947 Photograph  Beds in an institutional room. Visual Still
1947 Photograph  An institutional room room crowded with beds. Visual Still
1947 Photograph  An open hall with wooden benches. Visual Still
1947 Photograph  Two patients in beds in aroom with peeling paint and crumbling plaster. Visual Still
1947 Photograph  A sink filled with eatring utensils next to two toilets. Visual Still
1947 Photograph  Three women sits in a couch and chairs.  The rooms has a lamp, curtains, and plants. Visual Still
1947 Photograph  Seven women, most barefoot, sit on benches in a room. Visual Still
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