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KEYWORDS: Government

Results: 501 - 520 of 591 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1960 Article    Document
1960 Poster  A poster of a man looking up at a billboard about chnages in Social Security. Visual Still
1960 Article    Document
1960 Article    Document
May 1960 Speech    Document
September 15, 1960 Speech    Document
October 1960 Speech    Document
May 16, 1961 Correspondence    Document
1962 Article    Document
1962 Article    Document
1962 Speech    Document
October 23, 1962 Speech    Document
April 9, 1963 Speech    Document
April 17, 1963 Speech    Document
October 26, 1963 Speech    Document
February 10, 1964 Government Document    Document
1965 Comic Book  A young woman and two young men walk outside a school. Visual Still
1965 Comic Book  Comic book panels about a young man who plays baseball and helps his father after school. Visual Still
1965 Comic Book  A young man's father dies, and he believes he will have to quit school to work on the farm. Visual Still
1965 Comic Book  The young man finds out about death benefits and can stay in school. Visual Still
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