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KEYWORDS: Children

Results: 241 - 260 of 741 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1886 Photograph  Two women pose with their arms crossed against their chests Visual Still
1886 Photograph  Photograph of two young boys with buttoned coats and bow ties. Visual Still
1886 Annual Report    Document
circa 1888 Photograph  Helen Keller as a young child, sitting, holding a younger child's hand standing to her left. Visual Still
1888 Annual Report    Document
1888 Annual Report    Document
1888 Article    Document
circa 1890 Photograph  A family poses in front of the porch of a house.  An elderly man lies in a wheel chair. Visual Still
circa 1890 Photograph  Portrait of mother, father, and two children, one in a wheelchair. Visual Still
circa 1890 Photograph  A young girl, holding a book, sits in a wheelchair on a porch. Visual Still
circa 1890 Photograph  Photograph of Sarah Fuller's class with seated students facing chalkboard, away from camera. One student is standing at the board with Fuller instructing. Visual Still
circa 1890 Photograph  Sarah Fuller sits facing child. Visual Still
March 29, 1890 Letter    Document
May 3, 1890 Letter    Document
May 25, 1890 Article    Document
1891 Conference Paper    Document
1891 Annual Report    Document
1891 Annual Report    Document
July 27, 1891 Article    Document
1892 Article    Document
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