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KEYWORDS: Government

Results: 421 - 440 of 591 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
February 1938 Illustration  Architectural drawing of Top Cottage, front and side views. Visual Still
October 23, 1932 Photograph  President Roosevelt sits up on the back of a car seat and shakes hands with a farmer in overalls standing next to the car. Visual Still
unknown Illustration  Roughly drawn floor plan for Top Cottage. Visual Still
1948 Photograph  A fireplace with a portrait of Franklin Roosevelt above. Visual Still
August 1932 Photograph  A group photograph of men and women at Warm Springs. Visual Still
February 1938 Illustration  Architectural drawing of floor plan for Top Cottage, signed by Franklin Roosevelt. Visual Still
December 1932 Magazine  Cover with a photograph of Franklin Roosevelt. Visual Still
circa 1860 Photograph  Franklin Pierce, seated, in suit, with hand inside vest. Visual Still
March 25, 1949 Photograph  A newspaper photograph of about twenty people, about half of whom are in wheelchairs. Visual Still
March 1988 Photograph  Seven deaf students protest. They wave flags and stand behind a banner that reads Deaf President Now. Visual Still
March 1988 Photograph  A crowd of protesters marches down a street.  A man holds a banner that reads The Board Busters. Visual Still
March 1988 Photograph  Protestors march down the street carrying a large banner that reads We Still Have a Dream! Visual Still
July 26, 1990 Photograph  George Bush in front of White House sitting at table signing ADA; with a priest, a woman, and two men in wheel chairs Visual Still
1923 Photograph  Mrs. Coolidge presents a medal to a man (L.B. Clark) on crutches. Visual Still
April 1944 Photograph  Elderly women sits in front of screws with hand on a jar. Visual Still
April 1944 Photograph  Man looks at screw through magnifying glass. Visual Still
April 1944 Photograph  Elderly man with glasses prepares to palm screw. Visual Still
April 1944 Photograph  Elderly woman sits in wheelchair inspecting screws. Visual Still
1890 Postcard  Photo of a hallway at the Pontiac Asylum for the Insane. Visual Still
1936 Poster  Children sing while a woman presents Franklin Roosevelt with a birthday cake. Visual Still
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