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KEYWORDS: Advocacy

Results: 761 - 780 of 875 total   Next


Date Format Image Collection
1893 Book  Childern in a large room, some sitting and others standing. Visual Still
January 30, 1937 Postcard  Photograph of Henry Doherty, a man with goatee and spectacles. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A large institutional building with stage coaches coming and going. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A portrait of Andrew McFarland, a middle-age man with a beard. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  Men carry a woman to a waiting train while a crowd looks on. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A series of illustrations of a woman being separated from her children. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A weeping young man and a young woman in a horse-drawn buggy. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A woman holds the arm of a well-dressed man. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A series of images of a woman abusing a feamale patient. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A woman being carried by two men down a hallway. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A neat house with a picket fence in front. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  Two images of a man with a beard, in one of which he appears much older. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  Image of a legislative debate in Illinois. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A man watches while another is forced into a shower stall. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A man next to a piano looks worried. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A man speaks with another sitting at a desk. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A man at a desk hands a paper to a woman. Visual Still
1873 Illustration  A domsetic scene, some reading, others playing chess. Visual Still
1967 Charts & Tables  Pie charts displaying percentages of causes and classifications of mental retardation. Visual Still
1967 Photograph  A boy with an elderly woman who holds scissors. Visual Still
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